Learn Neurofeedback with us! Web Courses on the internet so you can stay at home
and study when it suits your schedule. You can skip the plane fares, the travel
expenses, workshop fees, and lost income from closing down your office in order
to take time to do workshops.
Web based-learning formats
Features online written material, an on-line syllabus, an easy to follow format
to complete each session. Includes: internet-based
instruction and access to important resources, and one-on-one and group support.
Study from home on your time
Avoid lengthy workshops
No CDs or books to lug around
Study at your own pace
Pass the BCIA Certification.
Register Now
qEEG for Neurofeedback
18hrs Psychologists (APA)
Basic theory behind qEEG and how to practically apply it in a clinical setting.
The emphasis is on application, emphasizing how to interpret qEEG and derive protocols for the purposes of
neurofeedback training rather than on advanced theory and medical applications. Basics of recording, artifacting, and
montage application are covered as well the fundamental theory behind database construction from an applications perspective.
Perfect for those wishing to understand the basic theory behind map interpretation.
Includes full pdfs of critical cited research as well as a growing map library with examples of various disorders and interpretive comments.
The course with its resources will continue to evolve as research emerges. And will provide an up to date resource that is
cutting edge as well as clinically relevant.
Neurofeedback Certification
36hrs BCIA Didactic
36hrs Psychologists (APA)
Earn BCIA didactic hours and APA CE credits on-line! This webcourse does
not cover just one approach to neurofeedback, like many workshops do, but reviews
many different perspectives on neurofeedback and provides a balanced view
of the entire field.
As an added bounus gain access to New Mind "Lunch and Learn"
sessions free during the first year of enrollment. Lunch and learns
are held twice a week between noon and 1 pm EST live on the internet. Watch the
presentation and join in the conversation. Ask the questions you really need answered
in a friendly environment with people who want to learn.